Families Fighting Cancer Together

Providing financial assistance and other support to families affected by cancer and other life-altering pediatric illnesses in Graham & Greenlee county

FFCT receives $32,500 donation from OneAZ to help Gila Valley families.

Families Fighting Cancer Together (FFCT) is a nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance to families in Graham and Greenlee counties who are affected by cancer or other life-altering pediatric illnesses. FFCT was founded by Luke Hatch, who wanted to help families facing similar challenges to the ones he and his family experienced while caring for his son Carson, who passed away from cancer at the age of 21.

Most recently, FFCT has been working with two families, one with a child with Brittle Bone Disease and another with a child who is blind. Thanks to a grant from OneAZ Credit Union’s Legacy Impact Grant program, FFCT was able to receive $32,500 to assist with special projects for these two families. The grant will help clean up the backyard of the family with the blind child, allowing her to play with her sister safely.

It will also pay for the construction of a pressure-relieving aquatic float chamber for the family with the child with Brittle Bone Disease, who was born with every long bone in her body broken and has had 150 breaks. The remaining funds will be used to help 10 other families FFCT is working with, including funding for the construction of a sidewalk to make it easier for the family with the child with Brittle Bone Disease to access their vehicle, and repair a wheelchair-accessible van they own.

FFCT is grateful for the support of OneAZ Credit Union and its Community Impact Grant program, which provides over 5,000 grants to around 50 organizations each year. The Legacy Impact Grant, which was launched this year, has provided FFCT with valuable funding. Since 2016, the OneAZ Community Foundation has given over $1 million in grants and funding to Arizona nonprofit organizations.

FFCT is dedicated to helping families affected by cancer and other life-altering pediatric illnesses, and welcomes donations and assistance from those who would like to support its efforts.

Do you know of a family in need?

Refer A Family To Us Below!


©2024 Families Fighting Cancer Together
Families Fighting Cancer Together is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization in Arizona.

Federal Identification Number (EIN): 85-0793046

Qualified Charitable Organization: 22328