Marcus age 13 was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. The way we found out; Marcus was playing in the All Stars Soccer Tournament January 15 2023 in Tucson.
That night he came to us saying that he couldn’t urinate. We took him to the emergency room in Tucson were they ruled it out as a UTI. With in three weeks later his urination discomfort continued and this time with blood in his urine.
We took him to Mount Graham regional medical center where they did a CT scan and noticed that his prostate was enlarged. Marcus was then transferred to Tucson Medical Center where they did a biopsy through his penis to reach his prostate where they found the cancerous tumor growing around his prostate blocking his bladder.
Marcus was then transferred to Phoenix Children’s Hospital where they did a PET scan and found that the cancer has spread to his bone structure and his liver. Marcus Chemo treatment plan is estimated to last a year and a half from start date, which began 02/21/2023. Along this treatment journey he will also be getting radiation and toward the end of treatment surgery.